Monday, October 4, 2010

P90X Day One: Chest & Back and Ab Ripper X

So today was the first day of P90X. If you're unfamiliar with P90X, it's a 90-day exercise and nutrition program geared toward getting you ripped in just three months. If you've ever been awake at 4 a.m. and were watching infomercials you've probably seen their ad. Well, I was one of those poor saps that folded and bought the program.*

As the program name suggests, it's 90 straight days of intense exercises. No rest for the weary. Or weak. But the exercises are spaced so that different muscle groups are worked days, sometimes weeks apart. So you're not really pushing yourself to the extreme, but it sure felt that way at 7:30 a.m.!

I decided morning workouts would be best for Monday-Wednesday-Friday, given my work and school schedule. So I woke up at 6, had my breakfast (a banana, strawberries and grapes) and started stretching. The first day's exercises focused on chest and back. Basically, it was an hour of push-ups and pull ups: two things I am NOT good at. Thankfully, they tailor the routines to suit the needs of the beginners to the advanced. Which is required because I'll use this DVD five times in the course of 90 days.

So to spare you from the gory (and pathetic) details of my sweaty exercising, I'll just say the exercise went well. Aside from having to stop twice from nausea, I finished.

Immediately following the Chest & Back DVD was the Ab Ripper X program, which is required every other day from now on. I had absolutely no strength after Chest & Back, so I was dying trying to keep up. Thankfully, I got a message from God because my computer died smack dab in the middle of Tony's "Hip Rock 'n Rise." I didn't complain.

About an hour after the workout, I was feeling great! I didn't think I'd be feeling as energized as I was after that intense of a workout. That boost made me look forward to tomorrow's exercise, Plyometrics (it's an hour of jumping).

Stay tuned for daily updates as I progress though P90X. I'll be posting before and after photos as I go, and hopefully you (and I) will be surprised! Cheers!

*I didn't actually buy it. I checked out the 12 DVDs from the library. Boo YA!

1 comment:

  1. DANIEL! I'm so proud of you!

    A) You posted something, finally
    B) This is INTENSE and I really hope you stick with it
    C) You're using the resources you pay for at school anyway!

    *I may have to check it out too when I get back.
