Saturday, January 28, 2012

New Year, New You

I won't bother with the "OMG LOOK HOW LONG IT'S BEEN" jazz. It's been a while, OK.

Two things: I'll be reviving the Daniel Crump Blog Show. Expect better video and audio quality and special effects. I've also acquired a job I love. I've also re-re-restarted P90X. I know what you're thinking, but no, I'm not totally ripped by now. I've completed P90X once and saw results, but I did it with an unhealthy diet. This time, though, I've made some adjustments. I'm eating vegetables! Green, delicious, healthy vegetables. I expect to be pooping more.

So I guess that was three things. Whatevs.

I know I've said this before, but expect daily updates to "Useful Nonsense." I've become a legitimate celebrity so I actually have to keep this thing up to date! I've got to get back to making the radio work now. As always, keep the internet clean.

Monday, May 30, 2011


So has it been awhile, or is it just me? Perhaps it's both.

Since the last time I updated my internationally syndicated blog "Useful Nonsense," I've seen quite a few changes in my life. My last post was about how I was struggling with P90X. I ultimately postponed my fitness adventure until I had the time and determination to finish it. I ended up starting again mid-February and finished day 90 on May 14. I have never felt better! If you're interested in changing your life I highly recommend it. I plan on starting again very soon. I'm starting to miss the feeling of being sore.

I also happened to graduate college in December. I guess having absolutely nothing to do during the day helped persuade me to become active again. But unlike most college graduates I had no job to go to afterward. Most young men and women with a four year college degree end up earning six bajillion figures in their first six months out of college. I am earning four figures, at best. I do have a job, but I only get 10-12 hours a paycheck -- AND THAT'S A GOOD TWO WEEKS. I've been applying for real jobs everyday, but no one seems to think my BA or resume is all that impressive. Maybe it's a product of our struggling economy or maybe there just aren't any jobs available for what I chose to specialize in, but the whole situation is just plain frustrating. I'm thankful to not have any debt or student loans and I'm thankful to have such a financially supportive mom and dad, but I just want to be independent. I want to be poor on my own and know what it's like to live paycheck to paycheck. It sounds self-deprecating, but we can learn so much from making it through tough times. And I'm ready to start learning again.

By the way, if you're reading this and you have a job opening, get in contact with me. I'm quite good at everything and more than qualified for whatever you have open. Trust me.

For full disclosure, I'm typing this while at work. There's lots of downtime for what they have me doing, so you just might be seeing more updates!

That's it for now. I've run out of things to write/rant about. Check back often for updates -- and maybe more videos. If you're lucky.

Friday, October 8, 2010

P90X Day Four: Yoga X

I have failed miserably today. I had a bad headache that prevented me from finishing (or starting, for that matter) Yoga X. And I was actually looking forward to it. I've never done yoga and I've heard a lot about its benefits ... I'll just have to wait until next Thursday!

Tomorrow is Legs & Back and Ab Ripper X. Looks like I'll be taking the elevator from now on ... I'm kidding!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

P90X Day Three: Shoulders & Arms and Ab Ripper X

Stairs were not my friends today. Neither were chairs or toilets ... My thighs are completely burned out from yesterday's plyometrics. Tomorrow, though it'll be my arms!

So good news today: I completely finished a P90X workout without any nausea! I'm so proud of myself! Though, I think it was due to the absence of any cardio. But that's fine by me!

Today's workout focused on the biceps, triceps and shoulders, or as Tony likes to say, "Bis, Tris and Shoulders." That man has a saying for everything.

So the workout was quite enjoyable: an hour or so curls, presses and flys. I pushed myself (to the EXXXTREME!!!?!) and finished sweating and limp. Then came Ab Ripper X.

They really should space the exercises out, but the two programs run right into each other. I suppose, though I could just stop it and restart it at a later time ...

So tomorrow is a super busy day for me (as are all Thursday). I a little worried I won't have time for Yoga X until late at night. Is late yoga a good thing? I know hot yoga is ... Anyway, until next time, BRING IT!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

P90X Day Two: Plyometrics

When Tony Horton tells you what you're about to do is "the mother of all X workouts," you better believe him. I'd hate to meet the father of all workouts ...

So plyometrics means "jump training." Basically, the routine is an hour of jumping jacks, TO THE EXTREME!! Needless to say, I did not survive. I died with around 17 minutes remaining, immediately making friend with my toilet. No, I didn't throw up, but I knew I had enough.

Tomorrow is Shoulders & Arms and Ab Ripper X. After today's workout I can assuredly say I will be jelly tomorrow. Cheers!

Monday, October 4, 2010

P90X Day One: Chest & Back and Ab Ripper X

So today was the first day of P90X. If you're unfamiliar with P90X, it's a 90-day exercise and nutrition program geared toward getting you ripped in just three months. If you've ever been awake at 4 a.m. and were watching infomercials you've probably seen their ad. Well, I was one of those poor saps that folded and bought the program.*

As the program name suggests, it's 90 straight days of intense exercises. No rest for the weary. Or weak. But the exercises are spaced so that different muscle groups are worked days, sometimes weeks apart. So you're not really pushing yourself to the extreme, but it sure felt that way at 7:30 a.m.!

I decided morning workouts would be best for Monday-Wednesday-Friday, given my work and school schedule. So I woke up at 6, had my breakfast (a banana, strawberries and grapes) and started stretching. The first day's exercises focused on chest and back. Basically, it was an hour of push-ups and pull ups: two things I am NOT good at. Thankfully, they tailor the routines to suit the needs of the beginners to the advanced. Which is required because I'll use this DVD five times in the course of 90 days.

So to spare you from the gory (and pathetic) details of my sweaty exercising, I'll just say the exercise went well. Aside from having to stop twice from nausea, I finished.

Immediately following the Chest & Back DVD was the Ab Ripper X program, which is required every other day from now on. I had absolutely no strength after Chest & Back, so I was dying trying to keep up. Thankfully, I got a message from God because my computer died smack dab in the middle of Tony's "Hip Rock 'n Rise." I didn't complain.

About an hour after the workout, I was feeling great! I didn't think I'd be feeling as energized as I was after that intense of a workout. That boost made me look forward to tomorrow's exercise, Plyometrics (it's an hour of jumping).

Stay tuned for daily updates as I progress though P90X. I'll be posting before and after photos as I go, and hopefully you (and I) will be surprised! Cheers!

*I didn't actually buy it. I checked out the 12 DVDs from the library. Boo YA!

Monday, August 16, 2010

The Daniel Crump Blog Show Ep. 48292

The Daniel Crump Studios has received a very special video FROM THE FUTURE!! I now present to you the "Daniel Crump Blog Show Ep. 48292." Liberty Whistle!!

© 2010 Daniel Crump